We recommend adding a terms of use and privacy policy to your account before taking donations with eGo Connect. Not only is it a recommendation by us, but it’s a requirement from our preferred Merchant Services provider.
Terms of Use
A terms of use document (which also known as a terms of service or terms and conditions) is a set of rules that you provide to your donors when they make a donation through your donation portal. They will agree to this when proceeding to give for the first time. We recommend including your return policy here as it’s required by our preferred Merchant Services provider.
Privacy Policy
A privacy policy is a document that discloses how you gather, use and manage customer data. This will also be provided to donors to acknowledge and agree to when making their first donation.
We do recommend consulting with a lawyer to draft a terms of use and privacy policy. If you would like assistance with this, we can help as well by contacting support. Keep in mind, we are not lawyers and in no way is our suggestions to be taken as legal advice.